Down and Dirty Jeanne Silverthorne and Bonnie Rychlak create sculptures that share a tale of disruption and playful decrepitude. When they met in the 1980s, New York was suffering from a historic market crash. Still, the city was teeming with resourceful artists. These conditions shaped Rychlak and Silverthorne’s approach to making art, and as Bonnie put it, “Sometimes an artist has to get down and dirty” to depict a subject truthfully.
In this exhibition, both artists draw on works dating as far back as 1991. They explore the object in our everyday lives through an unsettling yet humorous juxtaposition of materials and metaphors. The sculptures are for the most part positioned on the floor, deflated, converted and/or incongruously repurposed into non-functional objects, mysterious objects that solicit interpretation.
7.75 x 8.75 inches (197 x 222 mm), 64 pages, hard bound